Our story

About us

Sometimes you don’t need more than 2 ambitious entrepreneurs. Experienced entrepreneurs who are always looking for opportunities to find solutions to issues. And putting it into execution.

Our story begins in the spring of 2022. In the Netherlands it is more than clear that the shortages of technical personnel in particular cannot be solved in the Netherlands itself in a short time. There are simply not enough people to fill all open positions. These shortages are mainly seen in the northern countries of Europe. Unemployment is still very high in the southern countries, such as Spain.

Jacco and Richard take up the challenge together. The task is to build bridges between supply and demand on the European labor market. Between Spanish professionals who see insufficient opportunities in Spain, and companies in the Netherlands who cannot meet the demand of their customers because they cannot find specialists.

But it’s not just about career opportunities. In addition, the question is what else we can offer Spanish engineers besides a good job. And that is certainly the good work-life balance in the Netherlands.

May 2022 Raespo B.V. is  founded in the Netherlands and at the end of 2022 Raespo Recruitment S.L. in Spain is a reality. And more importantly, Isabel and Leandro, the Spanish recruiters, joined our team. They give substance to Raespo’s objectives with great enthusiasm. Their knowledge and experience in the field of HR, recruitment and living and working abroad are of great importance. And especially important to guide the Spanish professionals to their new job.

From experience we know better than anyone that moving to another country is not only a more than welcome adventure and opportunity, but also difficult. Finding your way in the Netherlands can be quite a challenge. Raespo supports the professionals in their adventure to and in the Netherlands.

And so, based on our ambition to help the Netherlands with the necessary personnel and to help Spanish professionals with a good future, we have in a short time laid a foundation for the future of Raespo. But also for your future.

Are you curious to know more? Then feel free to contact us. We would love to tell you more about what we do and how we do it.

With kind regards, Leandro, Annet, Jacco, Richard

Our team members


I am from Argentina and in the year 2022 I took on one of the biggest challenges of my life, to emigrate to another country. I have twelve years of experience in the Human Resources area and I am passionate about my profession. My main goal nowadays is to help people who want to make a change in their personal and professional lives.​


In the Netherlands I have gained many years of experience in the temporary employment sector, as an entrepreneur and as an employee, but I was convinced from an early age that I wanted to live and work abroad one day. After wandering in France for 6 years, I came to live in beautiful Andalusia with my family, where I can use all my knowledge and experience to bring together candidates and employers within the labour market with the great Raespo team. Opportunities, commercial challenges, adventure and the rewarding work of finding the right candidates for you as a client… la vida es buena!


Born and raised in Amersfoort, in the middle of the Netherlands. After school and study, commercial and technically based, started to work in several commercial jobs. Al the jobs were commercial but based on technical solutions and international challenges. After a life hired by companies the step to become an entrepreneur was close by. After 20 years I moved with the family to the Veluwe, in the middle of nature, getting more inspired by different things. So the turn to people management, commercial challenges, business relations and building a network in several ways has become my new world in the past years. Playing chess on different levels in one time I’m on my best. Always looking to the sunny side of life, looking for opportunities and solutions in any way. Wish it, Dream it, Do it. Raespo has born with that thoughts!. Working with an international team of driven people, building bridges together, I love it!


Thinking about challenges and finding solutions together with colleagues and partners has defined much of my life over the past decades. And it is a real pleasure. Working in the staffing industry has often led to new opportunities. Starting new companies and participating in projects, like projects in education. Many personal challenges come together in Raespo, such as creating solutions for the European labour market, working abroad, making new friends, discovering other cultures and learning the Spanish language. I look forward to working with our team to find a solution to your challenge!

Raespo brings people together